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Weekly Goals into Daily Tasks and Focuses

Updated: Aug 17, 2022

Last week we covered goals: how to build and set goals using the S.M.A.R.T. Method (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reasonable, and Time Bound). We will use this same method in setting goals on all aspects. We are going to shift from the big picture goals to the small, day-to-day goals. To recap, start with the big picture then break down into small and manageable steps. (Example: Yearly - Quarterly - Monthly - Weekly - Daily)

Here is how I will break it down:

  • Set weekly goals (at least one but no more than three) at the beginning of your week (when YOUR week begins, it may not be the same for everyone as we all may have different work scheduled. Remember to not compare yourself to others).

  • Plan ahead (when you set weekly goals) what you will commit to doing daily (or decide each morning), decide what 3 manageable things you can do to complete your weekly goal (which should be a smaller, manageable step from your monthly goal).

  • Each morning, decided what 3 manageable things you can focus on to complete your goals

Weekly goals should be broken down from your overall monthly goal. For example, let’s say my monthly goal is to have made 20 new connections on social media with my ideal clients or collaborators. My weekly goal would be to engage outward for a minimum of 5 hours. So my daily task would be to engage outwardly for at least an hour a day. Each morning, I would then focus on doing the usual engagement or try a new way to engage with people online.

Today’s tasks are going to be something consistent or it could even be that you have a schedule where you have goals set for each specific day. For example, using my goal of making 20 new connections monthly, I would break it down. Let’s say Mondays are for LIVES, Tuesdays are to get testimonials, Wednesdays are to share wisdom with people, Thursdays are to share transformational stories, and Fridays are for fun. This weekly breakdown gives me the daily tasks that I need to work towards to reach the weekly goal of engaging outwardly 5 hours a week.

Daily focuses are the breakdown of what will actually get done that day. Again, using my same example:

  • Mondays - I can go live on different media platforms, collaborate with others, or share videos. Tuesdays - reach out to people I have worked with or ask my current audience what they wants/need more of

  • Wednesdays - share the latest tools: where they came from, what they are, and how to use them

  • Thursdays - share my own transformation or my clients testimonials to see if other have been through it the same

  • Fridays - try something new to engage that I haven’t yet or engage with different type of people

This example came specifically from my coaching side of my life, but this goes into many other aspects of life. For some it may be to just wake up without anxiety, eat the right amount of calories, or to get more active. Whatever you want for your life, you can accomplish it if you break it down into small, manageable chunks.


If you want more support like this blog in shifting your mindset, you can purchase my book that serves as a guide to support you in your journey of connecting back to your most authentic self and engage in intentional consciousness. Click the link below to get your own copy!

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T <3

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